Called to be Co-Workers - Saint John's Seminary
reflections on lay Catholic leadership and the fruits of lay ministry

Called to be Co-Workers

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For several decades and in growing numbers, lay men and women have been undertaking a wide variety of roles in Church ministries. Many of these roles presume a significant degree of preparation, formation, and professional competence.

We hope you will be able to join us for these reflections that illustrate the mission of co-responsibility for the Church today and see how Saint John's Seminary prepares lay leaders for ministry in the Church.


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Reflections by:

Cardinal Seán Patrick O'Malley OFM Cap

Archbishop of Boston

Very Rev. Stephen Salocks

Rector, Saint John's Seminary

Ansel Augustine, D.Min

Executive Director of Cultural Diversity and Outreach, Archdiocese of Washington

Dr. Ansel Augustine is the former Director of the Office of Black Catholic Ministries for the Archdiocese of New Orleans. Previously he served as the Associate Director/Coordinator of Black Youth & Young Adult Ministry for the CYO Youth & Young Adult Ministry Office. He is also on the Faculty of the Institute for Black Catholic Studies at Xavier University of Louisiana.

Sister Janet Eisner

President, Emmanuel College
Saint John's Seminary, Board Member

A Sister of Notre Dame de Namur, is the nation's longest-serving woman college president currently in office. Since her inauguration in 1979, she has led Emmanuel through a time of exceptional innovation, achievement and growth. She provided the founding vision for the Colleges of the Fenway collaboration; she forged a partnership that brought Merck Research Laboratories to campus; and in 2000 she led Emmanuel's transition from an all-women's college to a thriving coeducational institution. Over the past 15 years, applications to Emmanuel have increased significantly, enrollment has tripled and the campus has been transformed by the building of the Maureen Murphy Wilkens Science Center, the Jean Yawkey Student Center and a new 18-story, apartment-style residence hall.

Andreas Widmer, MAM '09

Andreas E. Widmer Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship and the Director of the Art & Carlyse Ciocca Center for Principled Entrepreneurship at The Catholic University of America’s Busch School of Business.

Andreas is the author of The Pope & The CEO: Pope Saint John Paul II’s Lessons to a Young Swiss Guard, a book exploring leadership lessons that Widmer learned serving as a Swiss Guard protecting Pope John Paul II and refined during his career as a successful business executive.