Maria Teresa Aiello, MAM
Teresa came to the USA from Honduras in 1994. When she first arrived, her life was very busy. She worked as a Nursing Assistant at Saint Joseph Manor Nursing Home in Brockton for 13 years. While there, she also worked with the Latin American Health Institute as an HIV case manager for 10 years. As soon she came to this country, she joined Saint Patrick’s Parish in Brockton and remains an active member to this day; she participates in the Hispanic Choir, is a Eucharistic Minister, helps coordinate the Saint Vincent de Paul Society, and she is a member of the Pastoral Council. In addition, Teresa joined the Brockton interfaith Community (BIC) for about 15 years, serving as a Board member and serving as president for four years. As a BIC leader, she worked on several campaigns, advocating for more jobs, more English classes in Massachusetts, an increase in the minimum wage, better immigration policies, and improvements in health care. She was working for many hours each week because she had to help her family back in her native country. Teresa’s mother was very sick at the time, and she wanted to provide some money to buy medicine and other necessities. She had come to the United States to leave behind the poverty, lack of employment, and government corruption that made life in Honduras difficult. As an immigrant, Teresa identifies with the millions of immigrants that have left their own countries looking for a better life and for human dignity.Presently, Teresa lives in Brockton with her husband Richard Aiello and works as the Elder Outreach Coordinator at Catholic Charities South in Brockton.Because of this work, she decided to further her education. In 2009, Teresa earned a B.A. in Human Services at Springfield College. In 2012, she obtained certification as a substance abuse counselor at the Latino Behavioral Health AD Care Educational Institute in Worcester. She became a student in the Master of Arts in Ministry Program (MAM) at the Theological Institute in 2015. Teresa was motivated to search more about her faith through her work with people of all ages and cultures both at Saint Patrick’s and with the BIC. Teresa says, “Thanks to the MAM program, I have increased my faith knowledge and appreciate the image and likeness of God in each human being.”
Mae Ba, MAM
Mae graduated from Walsh University (North Canton, Ohio) with a Bachelor of Arts in Business Management and spent the first 7 years of her career as a product solutions administrator and customer service manager with Diebold, Incorporated (Canton, Ohio). During her time in Ohio, she was involved with Life Teen youth ministry at Queen of Heaven Parish (Uniontown, Ohio). Youth ministry opened up her love for Christ in the Eucharist and the many gifts she’s had the privilege to share in faith formation of the Church’s youth. In 2010, after much discernment, Mae moved back home to Boston, MA, reconnecting with extended family and living on the North Shore. She continued to work for Diebold, as a corporate account manager, but something felt missing. In the summer of 2012, she resigned from her position and took her first class at the Theological Institute of the New Evangelization. During the summer of 2013, she casually interviewed for a campus minister and theology teacher position at Elizabeth Seton Academy and was hired! Three years at ESA broadened her professional skills, expanded her heart to work with the underprivileged, and affirmed her gifts in working among teens and young adults. Sadly, in the summer of 2016, ESA permanently closed its doors and Mae became a staff accountant with Riley & Associates, P.C. She prepares tax returns for partnerships, corporations, non-profit organizations, private foundations, and estates and trusts. Mae finds strategic tax planning and trust returns most exciting. When she’s not crunching numbers, she has a great passion for youth mentorship, cooking, spending time at the beach (all seasons), and playing with her adorable 12-month-old nephew. Mae firmly believes God opens many doors and continually invites us into different fields and ministries. She is always awaiting the next adventure.
Deborah Broderick, MAM
Deborah is a 33-year resident of Bellingham, MA. She is the wife of Al Broderick, mother of 3 girls Victoria, Kate and Tess and grandmother to Gemma and Jameson and two little ones arriving this spring and summer. She has dedicated 36 years of her career as a nurse to caring for critically ill patients and their families at Newton Wellesley Hospital and MetroWest Medical Center. She has used her medical and spiritual education to guide families as they deal with their loved one's illness. Her faith journey began when she joined the Catholic Church in 1994. She continued on to become an active member of the choir and Eucharist Minister at Blessed Sacrament Parish. She plans to use her faith education to continue serving her patients, family, and faith community.
Ralph Cola IV, MAM
Ralph Cola is a lifelong resident of Providence, R.I., where he currently teaches fourth grade at St. Augustine School. He is very actively involved in his parish, Our Lady of Grace in Johnston, R.I. He earned his undergraduate degrees in history and education from Assumption College in Worcester. He loved studying theology and ministry at St. John's Theological Institute and will miss the people of St. John's dearly. "In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths."-Proverbs 3:6
Thomas M. Harvey, MTS
Tom is from Belmont, Massachusetts, and is a graduate of Belmont High School, Tufts University, and Suffolk University Law School. Upon graduation from law school, he spent four years on active duty in the U.S. Navy’s Judge Advocate General Corps. His law practice is in Arlington, MA, where he specializes in civil litigation. A former chairman of the board of Massachusetts Citizens for Life, he has been active in pro-life activities for many years. He is presently the Chairman of the Massachusetts Alliance to Stop Taxpayer Funded Abortions and is a board member of the Pro-life Legal Defense Fund. A member of St. Agnes parish in Arlington, he is also co-chair of that parish’s Parishioners for Life Committee. He is grateful to Opus Dei, TINE and two years of seminary training for giving him good formation and a solid education in the Catholic faith. Tom enjoys golf in his free time.
Eleanor Hurley, MAM
Eleanor resides in Middleboro, Massachusetts, with her loving husband, five children and two granddaughters. She is the School nurse at Cardinal Spellman High School in Brockton and the First Eucharist/Reconciliation Coordinator and active parishioner at Sacred Heart Church in Middleboro. Eleanor was inspired to explore the MAM Program through the witness and prompting of the Holy Spirit working in and through a MAM alum, Carol Galante Dias. It was then, that she heard and listened to the call from Christ to go deeper and reignite the spark that had been smouldering in her heart. She had been living her faith in the flickering embers and Christ called her to come out from the ash and stoke the flames until they burned brightly, in order for her to witness His intense love and mercy to all she encounters. Eleanor credits completing the MAM program only through the grace of God, the mercy of Christ, the unending support of her family and trust in the prompting of the Holy Spirit. She plans on continuing her education and following God's call to labor in the vineyard. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
Beth Joyce, MTS
Beth Joyce lives in Osterville, MA and works as a Chief Compliance Officer at UMass Memorial Health Care. She has a B.S. in Nursing from Boston College and an M.B.A. from the MIT Sloan School of Management. During her studies in the MTS program, Beth has been a parishioner at St. Teresa of Avila Parish in West Roxbury and Corpus Christi Parish in Sandwich. Beth has served as a lector for over twenty years, has been involved in various activities in support of Catholic education, has been a member of a women’s rosary group for twenty-five years, and has served as a mentor in Confirmation faith formation classes. Beth owes a debt of gratitude to her pastors, Msgr. William Helmick, former pastor at St. Theresa of Avila Parish, and Fr. George Harrison, pastor at Corpus Christi Parish. She is also grateful to the faculty of the Theological Institute, including Fr. Brian Mahoney, Fr. Christopher O’Connor, Fr. Eric Cadin, Fr. Eric Bennett, Fr. Peter Grover and Dr. Angela Franks - who had suggested auditing a course which then led Beth to decide to continue her studies and ultimately to pursue the MTS degree. Each class was very rewarding it its own way and the staff at the Institute always made it a welcoming experience. Beth enjoyed her MTS coursework immensely and is thankful to God that she was able to complete her degree alongside her professional work. She is looking forward to continued involvement in parish activities. Beth’s son, Fr. Kevin Staley-Joyce, is a priest of the Archdiocese of Boston, ordained in 2016.
Deacon James T Kearney, MTS
Deacon Jim began formation for the Permanent Diaconate in 2011, was ordained in October 2015, and is assigned to the Plainville / Wrentham Catholic Collaborative serving the Parishes of St. Martha and St. Mary. His journey through the MTS program has been a joyful and impactful experience. It has drawn him closer to God and has significantly improved his ability to share and defend his faith with others. Being ordained and completing his degree has exceeded everyone’s expectation, including his close friends and fellow Deacons Chuck R and Kelly M. Without them and the great faculty and staff involved in the MTS program, he questions whether he would have been able to cross finish line. It’s always good to surround yourself with great people. Professionally, Jim is a Principal of a sales training and development company and has over 25 years of sales, training, and management success. He and his wife Chrissy have been married 29 years and live in Wrentham, MA, and have three children. As always, the love and support of his wife have been instrumental to his success.
Christopher Kelley, MTS
A native of Worcester, Massachusetts, Chris currently lives in Framingham with his wife Christina and newborn son John. Chris began his career in theatre and entertainment, working for Off-Broadway theatre in New York City and later for Blue Man Group in Boston. Chris felt a call to evangelization more specifically after doing missionary work with the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal in the Bronx. He spent one year abroad in Rome with the Emmanuel Community studying evangelization and doing missionary work throughout Europe. Chris attended Assumption College where he obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Theology with a minor in the Foundations of Western Civilization. He also studied at the Angelicum in Rome. He followed this call to evangelize in helping to launch 1060AM Catholic Radio. Chris later became the general manager for 1030 AM Catholic radio in Boston. Chris is a fourth degree Knight of Columbus and an Order of the Tower member of the Ancient Order of Hibernians. Chris and his wife Christina are also active members of the Emmanuel Community. Chris is currently the Chief Marketing and Communications Officer for the Oblates of the Virgin Mary.
Deacon John Koza, MTS
Deacon John Koza and his wife Janet are members of St. Mary of the Annunciation Parish in Danvers, where John serves as Deacon. Ordained in 2016, John is also assigned to the Archdiocesan For God is the one who. John and Janet have two married children. Stephen and Michelle Koza live in Brooklyn, New York, and Anne and Taylor Patrick live in East Boston, Massachusetts. John holds a Bachelor of Music degree from the University of Massachusetts, Lowell, and a Master of Library and Information Science from Simmons University. John is also a professional musician, both as a freelance clarinetist and as music director and conductor of the Salem Philharmonic Orchestra in Salem, Mass. He is also the assistant conductor of its affiliated youth orchestra. John has a deep interest in liturgical chant and Orthodox iconography and has studied icon painting in the Russian style.
James Leonard, MTS
James Leonard lives in Dedham, MA and is the Director of Youth Ministry at Our Lady of Fatima Parish in Sudbury, MA. James is a graduate of Saint Anselm College, where he studied Business and Theology, and of Providence College, where he received his Masters of Secondary Education. Before moving to Our Lady of Fatima, he worked as a Theology Teacher and Campus Minister at Lowell Catholic and then Archbishop Williams High School.
Deacon Kelley B. McCormick, MTS
Deacon Kelley was ordained in 2015 and is currently assigned to Saint Mary of the Assumption Parish in Dedham, MA. His formation as a Deacon and continued education to an MTS degree have been privileged experiences, shared with good friends like Deacons Jim and Chuck and entirely unfeasible without the support of his wife, Nancy. Deacon Kelley is grateful to his professors at St. John’s Seminary and at TINE who all brought their expertise AND their passion for our Church to their teaching. It was, and is, an inspiration! “It is a great joy to serve our Church as a Deacon and an awesome commission to share what I have learned with those whom I will meet on my way.”
John Paris, MTS
Before moving to Winchester in the 1990’s, John met his friend, companion, and wife Maria Elizabeth at Tulane University, where they both studied for a master’s degree in architecture. From RCIA, through marriage preparation, to the catechesis of his children, John has been increasingly drawn to the wonder, beauty, and mystery that is the Catholic Church. Eager to share his own deepening faith and hope in Christ with others, John would like to express his thanks for the always attentive and caring teachers and staff of the Theological Institute and of St. John’s Seminary. For John, the spirit of the TINE program can best be expressed by two mottoes, both from Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman; ‘COR AD COR LOQUITOR (heart speaks to heart),’ and ‘EX UMBRIS ET IMAGINIBUS IN VERITATEM (out of shadows and images into the truth).’ For receiving the formative and instructive experience that is the MTS degree, John is ever grateful.
Renee Portu, MAM
In 2006, happily committed to her vocation as wife and mother to three children, Renee Portu began teaching the Catechism for her youngest son’s class at her Church in Exeter, New Hampshire. With her older son and daughter in High School, Renee also stepped forward to chaperone for 2 summers in a row on the Steubenville East Youth Conference. It was the beginning of a spiritual journey. The desire to know more about the Catholic faith and have the ability to pass on that knowledge became strong. Renee has been a member of the music ministry, a steady participant of Bible Studies at her Church and made a Cursillo in 2013. After her youngest son was Confirmed, Renee felt called to stay on as a Catechist and continued to help out with Youth Ministry. The sheer joy and satisfaction that came from working with the young people led Renee to accept an invitation from her Director of Youth Ministry to explore the courses at the Theological Institute at St. John’s Seminary. Renee would like to thank her husband and children for being so supportive as she turned her focus to reading, writing and studying. For Renee, the MAM program was a truly rewarding experience and an answer to prayer. Renee continues to enjoy working with Youth Ministry, teaching Confirmation classes and has most recently enjoyed leading the Young Neighbors in Action summer service trips.
John D. Puopolo, MAM
A lifelong resident of Norwood, John converted to Catholicism as a teenager in 1999 at the former St. George’s Church in South Norwood. He proudly served St. George’s Church and its pastor, Fr. Bill Wolkovich, as a lector. Upon graduating from Norwood High School, he attended Franciscan University of Steubenville to purse degrees in Theology and Mental Health and Human Services. It was at Franciscan University that he made last friendships that continue today. His most important decision was to marry the love of his life, Mary Ellen, in 2012. After blessing him with one child, John began his studies at the Theological Institute – with her urging and complete support – only to end up with five beautiful children by graduation in 2019. It is in this Domestic Church that he has dedicated the past five years, and the rest of his life to. He is thankful for the hardworking and patient staff at the Theological Institute and looks forward to the ministry that God is calling him to.
Anne Rennie, MTS
Anne was born in India and grew up in Minnesota. During her childhood, she traveled extensively due to her father’s job. She witnessed firsthand some of the persecutions that Christians experience in other countries. Anne came out to the east coast for college and ended up staying. She taught for six years in Catholic schools in New Hampshire. In 2013 she moved to Massachusetts. She began working at the Seminary in 2016. Anne loves catechetics and believes that a strong grasp of Catholic doctrine is essential for living the Christian life. She is also committed to sharing with people the wealth of liturgical music the Church has to offer, particularly Renaissance Polyphony and Gregorian Chant, and has directed several choirs. Anne is confident that her degree will assist her in her work at the Seminary.
Deacon Charles R Rossignol, MTS
Deacon Chuck began formation for the Permanent Diaconate in 2011, was ordained in October 2015, and is assigned to Immaculate Conception Parish in Marlborough, MA. He is grateful for the calling to this ministry, and has relished the amazing (and sometimes arduous) journey of the MTS Program with his classmates Deacons Jimmy K and Kelley M! Deacon Chuck has always been eager to fill out his ‘tool box’ for this ministry. Completing the degree has exceeded every one of his expectations, and he’s eager to bring the fruits of those labors to his ministry and work. Professionally, he works in behavioral health as vice president for business development, opening new facilities for the treatment of eating disorders. He and his wife Joyce have been married 38 years this coming summer, live in Hudson, MA, and have two grown children who reside in Boston and London, England. Joyce has been an avid supporter and beneficiary of the experience, launching her own faith formation activities with other Catholic women in the area. They are equally grateful to God, the staff and faculty of TINE and MTS program who have helped them get over the finish line! “The Lord has touched our lives together immensely through the blessings of this experience. May we always be open to His Grace to respond completely according to His will!”
Linda Sheehan, MAM
A native and resident of Leominster, MA, Linda holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Accountancy from Bentley University. The last twelve of her thirty-plus year career has been at Lawrence Academy, a boarding/day high school in Groton, MA, most recently in the position of controller. From an early age, Linda has felt the presence of God working in her life. Once her last child was off to college, she responded to Christ’s call to know Him deeper. What started as a bible study in 2012 has led to her graduation seven years later from the Theological Institute. Overcoming obstacles of self-doubt, she is forever grateful for the grace to trust in God’s plan and mercy and for the unwavering support of her husband, John and their two sons. TINE has been more than significant in growing her intimate relationship with the Blessed Trinity and her deep love for Holy Mother Church. Linda prays to persevere in response to God with a resounding “yes” as His instrument. She continues to answer the call of Christifideles Laici by preparing Catholic boarding students at Lawrence Academy for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Additionally, her Catholic faith is well-known at work where she uses every opportunity for Christian fellowship and prayer and to talk about her love of the Catholic faith. She and her husband are parishioners at St. Cecilia’s Parish in Leominster. They have been married for 31 years and are the proud parents of two sons, Captain John Sheehan, USMC and Captain Ryan Sheehan, USMC.
Brenda Terranova, MAM
A native of Columbia, Maryland, Brenda holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical and Biomedical Engineering from Carnegie-Mellon University and a Master of Science degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Massachusetts in Amherst. After a career in the biotechnology industry in various roles in manufacturing and engineering, Brenda left that occupation to spend some time raising her two sons. During this time, she grew in her knowledge and love of the Catholic faith and came to know Jesus’ love personally. While her children were in middle and high school, she volunteered in many capacities with the church – catechist, youth ministry volunteer, Bible study leader, and Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. As they moved on to college, she felt called to pursue work in the church. Since 2016, she has been at St. Theresa Parish in North Reading, MA, where she is the Director of Faith Formation. She is grateful for the MAM program and particularly enjoyed her fieldwork assignments at Austin Prep. Brenda and her husband Domenic have been married for 30 years and live in North Andover.
Mary Ann Thomas, MAM
Born and raised in Allston and Brighton, Mary Ann is a product of the parochial school system. Entering the work force after graduating high school, soon after married and became a full time mother to her four children. While raising her children, she held part-time employment in various paid positions as well as serving as a catechist, youth minister, pastoral visitor, lector and sacristan at her home parish of St. Theresa in North Reading. In addition, she was involved in the Augustinian Healing Ministry for ten years.
Mary Ann completed her Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies and Philosophy at Merrimack College as her children reached adulthood. Having completed her degree, Mary Ann was then certified as Pastoral Associate at St. Theresa’s where she has served since 2007. Although the position of Pastoral Associate now requires a Master’s degree, Mary Ann was grandfathered in. However, Mary Ann felt the responsibility to augment her knowledge of the faith and stay current with the affairs of the wider Church. The two field experiences Mary Ann completed at the Pregnancy Care Center and chaplaincy at Lahey Hospital truly enhanced Mary Ann’s ministerial experience.
Mary Ann is grateful for the educational, spiritual and growth formation attained through participation in the Master of Arts in Ministry Program. Having completed her academic endeavors, Mary Ann looks forward to providing an enhanced ministerial practice within her current position as well as having more time to spend with her three beautiful granddaughters.
Earline Tweedie, MAM
Earline Tweedie lives in North Andover and in October will celebrate her 30th wedding anniversary with her husband Bob. They have 4 children: Becca (27), Eric (25), Kathryn (22) and David (18). Earline worships at Saint Michael parish in North Andover, as well as serves as liturgy coordinator part time. She works full time as a Campus Minister at Central Catholic High school in Lawrence MA with the Marist Brothers.Earline is extremely grateful to Central Catholic High school for the opportunity to participate in the MAM program. Their support and encouragement during her studies, formation and field education have provided her with enthusiasm and inspiration. The completion of this degree will provide her ample content and spiritual food to minister to high school students. Thank you to the MAM program for their dedication and efforts to help her grow in faith and minister with love.
Sr. Christina Miriam Wegendt, FSP, MTS
Sister Christina is originally from an old steel town in Ohio and moved to New England to join the Daughters of St. Paul, making her first vows in 2003. She is currently an Acquisitions Editor for Pauline Books & Media, the publishing house of the Daughters of St. Paul, and loves the creative process of working with authors to develop new projects. For the past several years, Sr. Christina has also served as vocation director for the Daughters of St. Paul in Boston. She frequently speaks to students, catechists, and parents on the topics of media literacy from a faith perspective and of discerning one’s vocation. Sr. Christina is grateful for the opportunity to have studied for her Master of Theological Studies through St. John’s Seminary, Boston, and looks forward to putting it to good use as a #medianun dedicated to evangelization through the means of communication.