Forming disciples. Proclaiming Jesus Christ.
Since opening in 1884, over 3,000 graduates have been ordained for the priesthood and have served God's people in over fifty dioceses and numerous religious congregations throughout the world.
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Saint John's Seminary Priestly Formation Program prepares candidates for ordination as diocesan priests in the Roman Catholic Church and to recommend them to sending bishops. The Seminary enrolls candidates for the priesthood from Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life in its several degree programs of priestly formation.
The Seminary’s Lay Formation Program offers Master of Arts in Ministry and Master of Theological Studies Degree Programs providing formation for laypersons, permanent deacons, and religious. The Seminary offers opportunities for ongoing formation of clergy as well.

The seminary can be seen as a place and a period in life. But it is above all an educational community in progress: It is a community established by the bishop to offer to those called by the Lord to serve as apostles the possibility of re – living the experience of formation which our Lord provided for the Twelve. In fact, the Gospels present a prolonged and intimate sharing of life with Jesus as a necessary premise for the apostolic ministry.
The Office of the Registrar at Saint John's Seminary is dedicated to the support of our seminarians and students by providing quality services related to student course registration, maintaining academic records, transcript requests, evaluation of transfer credit, verify enrollment and graduation, issue diplomas, and more!