Forming disciples. Proclaiming Jesus Christ.
Saint John's Seminary relies on your help for our critical work of forming your future parish priests.
Donate NowPriestly Ordinations
Diocese of Manchester: June 6
Reverend Ryan Amazeen and Reverend Joshua Livingston: Ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Libasci at Saint Joseph Cathedral in Manchester on Saturday, June 6, 2020. To view a recording of the Ordination Mass click here.
Diocese of Providence: June 6
Reverend Hiep Nguyen: Ordained by Bishop Thomas J. Tobin in the Cathedral of Saints Peter & Paul, Providence, Rhode Island on June 6, 2020. To view a recording of the Ordination Mass, click here. Rhode Island Catholic article: Called to Serve God's People
Diocese of Fall River: June 13
Reverend Steven Booth: Ordained by Bishop Edgar M. da Cunha on June 13, 2020 for the Diocese of Fall River. Click here to read about the ordination.
Diocese of Rochester: June 13
Reverend Joseph Martuscello: Ordained by Bishop Salvatore R. Matano on June 13, 2020 as the newest priest of the Diocese of Rochester. Click here to read an article in the Catholic Courier about the ordination.
Archdiocese of Boston: August 1
Reverend Daniel Zinger, Reverend Matthew Norwood, Reverend Joseph Hubbard, Reverend Fernando Vivas: Watch a recording of the Mass on CatholicTV. First Mass information: Archdiocese of Boston.
Diocese of Springfield: August 15
Reverend Stanislaus Achu, Reverend Matthew Barone, Reverend Valentine Nworah. Ordained by Archbishop-designate Mitchell T. Rozanski. Click here to read about the ordination.
Oblates of the Virgin Mary: August 15
Rev. Paul M. Kallal, OMV: Ordained by Bishop Carl A. Kemme at St. Mary Parish in Alton, IL.
Diocese of Portland: August 22
Reverend Alexander Boucher: Bishop Robert Deeley Ordains Fr. Alex Boucher to the Priesthood
Diocese of Oakland: September 5
Reverend Benjamin Mac Lingo: Bishop Barber ordained Fr. Benjamin to the Priesthood in Mary’s Garden, on the plaza outside the doors of Santa Maria Church in Orinda, for the Diocese of Oakland, CA.

Diaconate Ordinations
Diocese of Manchester: May 30
Rev. Mr. Joseph Moynahan: Ordained to the Transitional Diaconate by Bishop Libasci at Saint Joseph Cathedral in Manchester on Saturday, May 30, 2020. To watch a recording of the Ordination Mass click here. To read a reflection by Dcn. Joseph, click here.
Diocese of Worcester: June 20
Rev. Mr. John Larochelle: Was ordained to the Transitional Diaconate on June 20 at St. Paul Cathedral in Worcester. Click here to read a reflection by Dcn. John.
Diocese of Rochester: August 15
Rev. Mr. Joseph Maurici, and Rev. Mr. Steven Lewis: Ordination to the Transitional Diaconate by Bishop Salvatore R. Matano.
Diocese of Providence: September 26
Ordination to the Transitional Diaconate of Rev. Mr. Doan Nguyen, & Rev. Mr. Dan Mahoney
Saint Anselm Abbey: October 2
Ordination to the Transitional Diaconate of Rev. Br. Francis McCarty by Bishop Peter A. Libasci, Bishop of Manchester.
Archdiocese of Boston
Diocese of Kumbakonam
Franciscans of the Primitive Observance
October 24
Ordination to the Transitional Diaconate of Rev. Mr. Fernando Ayala, Rev. Mr. David Campo, Rev. Mr. Robert LeBlanc, Rev. Mr. Steven Restrepo,
Rev. Mr. Alwin Chinnappan (Diocese of Kumbakonam)
Rev. Mr. Valanarasu Newton Williamraj (Diocese of Kumbakonam)
Rev. Br. Francis Godkin, FPO (Franciscans of the Primitive Observance)
Saint John's Seminary relies on your help for our critical work of forming your future parish priests.
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