Webinar | Taste and See: Eucharist as Healing - Saint John's Seminary
Celebrating 140 Years of Mission!  

Webinar | Taste and See: Eucharist as Healing

March 21st, 2023

07:00 pm


March 21st, 2023

08:00 pm

Zoom Webinar | Online

While the 'sacraments of healing' are commonly understood to be confession and anointing of the sick, there is a long tradition in the Church of understanding the Eucharist too as a healing sacrament. Drawing on both Medieval Franciscan and contemporary sources, this lecture will explore the Eucharist as a sacrament that heals both sin and its effects. In particular, it will focus on the way in which the Eucharist restores the way in which we perceive God, the world, and each other.

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Kasey Kimball

Kasey Kimball is a Ph.D. candidate in historical theology at Boston College. Her research focuses on early Franciscan accounts of the sacraments, spiritual senses, and beatitude. Inspired by the 20th century ressourcement movement, she intends her scholarly work in the Patristic and Medieval theological tradition to be of service to the contemporary Church as well as to the academy. Raised an Anglican in Newburyport, MA, she received a BA in International Studies from Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, MD) in 2008 and served for six years with a Protestant campus ministry in Baltimore before moving to Canada for graduate studies. She received her MA in theology from Regent College (Vancouver, BC) in 2018. She was received into full communion with the Catholic Church in 2018, influenced, in part, by writing her MA thesis on St. Bonaventure. When she’s not studying, she enjoys British detective fiction, distance running, teatime, and making friends with other people's dogs.