Lenten Prayers - Saint John's Seminary
Celebrating 140 Years of Mission!  

Lenten Prayers

The Stations of the Cross

Saint Francis’ Prayer before the Crucifix

Most High glorious God, enlighten the darkness of my heart.
Give me right faith, sure hope and perfect charity.
Fill me with understanding and knowledge that I may fulfill your command.

Act of Contrition

O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins because of thy just punishments, but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, who art all good and deserving of all my love.

I firmly resolve with the help of Thy grace to sin no more and to avoid the near occasion of sin. Amen.

The Jesus Prayer

Lord Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

Prayer of Venerable Pauline Marie Jaricot

My hope is in Jesus, my only treasure is the Cross…I will bless the Lord at all times and His praise shall be always in my mouth. I adore the will of my God.

What does it matter to me’ O beloved and lovable will of God, if you take from me all earthly goods, reputation, honor, health, and life; what does it matter that you make me descend into the depth of humiliations. What does it matter – if, I find the hidden fire of Thy heavenly love? How happy I should be if I could die for Thee and for my fellow creatures.

Jesus, Priest and Victim, I unite the sacrifice of my life and the cross I carry to Thy blood shed for me. I shelter myself in Thy wounds and I expect all strength from Thee. My heart is ready, O Lord, my heart is ready. I only wish to do all for Thy greater glory. I rely upon Thy strength when the supreme moment comes and not upon my own. I have put my hopes in Thy mercy. I recommend to Thee all to whom I may die indebted, and I beg Thee, that having given my life and my blood for them, my friends will pay my debts after my death.


Psalm 51

Have mercy on me, God, in accord with your merciful love;
in your abundant compassion blot out my transgressions.
Thoroughly wash away my guilt;
and from my sin cleanse me.
For I know my transgressions;
my sin is always before me.
Against you, you alone have I sinned;
I have done what is evil in your eyes
So that you are just in your word,
and without reproach in your judgment.
Behold, I was born in guilt,
in sin my mother conceived me.
Behold, you desire true sincerity;
and secretly you teach me wisdom.
Cleanse me with hyssop,* that I may be pure;
wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.
You will let me hear gladness and joy;
the bones you have crushed will rejoice.

Quotes for the Lenten Season

“Have patience with all things, but first of all with yourself.”
St. Francis de Sales

“The Lord measures out perfection neither by the multitude nor the magnitude of our deeds, but by the manner in which we perform them.”

St. John of the Cross

“You don’t know how to pray? Put yourself in the presence of God, and as soon as you have said, ‘Lord, I don’t know how to pray!’ you can be sure you’ve already begun.”

St. Josemaría Escrivá

"Show me your hands. Do they have scars from giving? Show me your feet. Are they wounded in service? Show me your heart. Have you left a place for divine love?"
Ven. Fulton Sheen

"(Lent) is a period of spiritual 'combat' which we must experience alongside Jesus, not with pride and presumption, but using the arms of faith: prayer, listening to the word of God and penance. In this way we will be able to celebrate Easter in truth, ready to renew the promises of our Baptism."
Pope Benedict XVI