MAM Formation Year B  - Saint John's Seminary
Celebrating 140 Years of Mission!  


Rev. Michael MacInnis Profile

Mary Ann McLaughlin Profile

One Saturday per month 9:00am – 1:00pm Two Mondays 5:00-9:00pm at SJS in Brighton Dates: Monday, January 17 at SJS in Brighton; Saturdays Feb. 12, March 19, April 30; Monday, May 2nd at SJS in Brighton


Spirituality and Formation

In Year B of MAM Formation, the theme of the monthly formation sessions is ministerial identity.  These monthly meetings for first- and second-year students typically begin with Mass, followed by a human formation conference and a spiritual formation conference. Rev. Michael MacInnis leads the human formation sessions while Mary Ann McLaughlin leads the spiritual formation sessions. The Saturday morning four-hour sessions end with Daytime Prayer.

Twice a year in January (2022) and May (2022) the sessions are scheduled for Monday evenings at St. John's Seminary in Brighton and consist of prayer and Theological Reflection on pastoral experience. Fr. Ed Riley hosts these two evenings. Field Education Supervisors are invited to attend. Registration is required for both semesters, Fall 2021 and Spring 2022, to complete one of two years of Formation required.

NOT available for Audit.