Admission to Candidacy - Saint John's Seminary
Celebrating 140 Years of Our Faithful Mission!

Admission to Candidacy

April 25, 2021

We congratulate all of our seminarians who celebrated their Admission to Candidacy this morning. The Admission to Candidacy was celebrated during a Mass in the seminary chapel by Bishop Kennedy. The Rite of Candidacy signifies that a seminarian has reached a point in his discernment where he and the Church are ready to make their intentions public. During the Rite of Admission to Candidacy the seminarian will promise to prepare himself in mind and spirit to “give faithful service to Christ the Lord and his Body, the Church".

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We congratulate

Mr. Paul Born, Archdiocese of Boston

Mr. Vincent Dinh, Diocese of Dalat

Mr. Marcelo Ferrari, Archdiocese of Boston

Mr. David Joanis, Archdiocese of Boston

Mr. Luke Johnson, Diocese of Worcester

Mr. Khanh Van Le, Diocese of Hanoi

Mr. Christopher Leitizia, Archdiocese of Boston

Mr. Rodrigo Martinez, Archdiocese of Boston

Mr. Joseph Nguyen, Archdiocese of Boston

Mr. Andrew Rondelli, Archdiocese of Boston

Mr. Nathaniel Sanders, Archdiocese of Boston

Mr. Peter Schirripa, Archdiocese of Boston

Mr. Hung Viet Tran, Archdiocese of Boston

Mr. Quang Hien Vu, Archdiocese of Boston

Mr. Jeremy Wagner, Archdiocese of Boston