Deepening Faith Through Theology Degree | By: Deacon Frank Alderete - Saint John's Seminary
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Deepening Faith Through Theology Degree | By: Deacon Frank Alderete

May 23, 2022

Although my experience with the Lay Formation Program at Saint John's Seminary was primarily through the Diaconate formation program, I would recommend that anyone who is participating in lay ministry to consider the program, especially those who are in formation or evangelization ministries.

My ministry involves elements of formation and instruction for both adults and young adults. Fundamentally, catechesis is telling the story of Jesus and walking with the person in their journey of faith. The program has helped me tell His story in a much richer way and to better accompany catechumens and neophytes on their journey. By expanding my understanding of the “whys” of our faith, I can much better address questions and issues. The program has provided me with tools to present our faith in all it’s richness, beauty, and joy. My ministry has been profoundly enriched by my experience in the program.

Most importantly, the program has helped me deepen my own faith and sparked a desire to learn more and more. Anyone who has a curiosity about our faith, a desire to understand the faith better, and a willingness to enter into a deeper relationship with Jesus, should consider taking courses in the program.

By: Deacon Frank Alderete
Master of Theological Studies
Class of 2022