On August 28, 2023, over 50 attendees gathered at Agawam Hunt Club in Rumford, RI for Saint John’s Seminary’s 21st Annual Summer Classic Golf Tournament. It was a most enjoyable and successful day filled with family, friends, and fun!
Proceeds from this long-standing tournament benefit the Seminary’s Priestly Formation Program and The Theological Institute, providing theological education, practical training, and spiritual formation to the next generation of parish priests and lay leaders throughout New England.
Fr. Stephen Salocks, Rector of Saint John’s, observed, “Your presence today is a testament to your faith in God and the important role of the Church in our lives. With your support of this tournament, the Seminary will be able to continue its mission of faithful education and priestly formation for the future of the Church.”

Honored guest, Bishop Richard Henning of the Diocese of Providence, added, “I am so grateful to the Seminary for the gift it gives to the Diocese of Providence in forming good priests and I’m so grateful to all of you for your generosity in support of that critical mission.”

The winning foursome was from Folan Waterproofing & Construction with a final score of 66. The runner-up with a score of 67 included seminarians Matt Harrington, Joe Beagle, Joe Jasinski, Jake Livingstone, and Fr. Don Brick, SJS faculty member. Patrick Folan had the longest drive and Fr. Brick received the closest-to-the-pin prize.
Patrick Nee, long-time supporter and head coach of the SJS basketball team, reflected, “It was a great day to be on the course with two recent SJS grads, Father Peter Schirripa and Father Nate Sanders, and former NBA first-round pick Paul Grant. Father Sanders complained of back pain early in the round, suggesting he was carrying the team. We hope we can redeem ourselves in next year's tourney!"
Saint John’s Seminary has been forming men who aspire to be priests since 1884. As we approach our 140th anniversary, we’re looking forward to welcoming you to our 22nd annual tournament. Fulfilling our mission will not be possible without the support of our devoted donors, alumni, relatives, and friends.
Thank you!