Sunday Reflection - Saint John's Seminary
Celebrating 140 Years of Mission!  

Sunday Reflection | Feast of the Holy Family | Fr. Peter Stamm

December 25, 2021

Reflection by Fr. Peter Stamm, Professor of Theology | 12/26/2021

With final exams and papers in the rear view mirror, the Saint John’s Seminary community has dispersed for the Christmas break. As we all take some time to relax and celebrate the holidays with our families, today’s feast of the Holy Family invites us to contemplate the domestic life shared by Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.

Yesterday’s celebration of Christmas proclaimed the reality that Jesus, God-with-us, has entered into every dimension of the human experience and sanctified it. As human beings, we are not simply autonomous individuals. Each of us is born into a family, inheriting interpersonal bonds and an identity which is formed in relation to others. God has sanctified the natural phenomenon of family life by taking it upon Himself. The Son of God has become the Son of Mary. He whose throne is in heaven has seated Himself upon the lap of the humble Virgin, all under the watchful eye of St. Joseph.

The Collect of today’s Mass asks that we might receive the grace to imitate the Holy Family “in practicing the virtues of family life and in the bonds of charity.” Saint John’s Seminary prays that God will pour out abundant blessings upon your family today and in the New Year ahead. Thank you for your continued support of our mission to educate and prepare your future parish priests. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!