Saint John's Seminary Celebrates Successful 22nd Annual Golf Tournament - Saint John's Seminary
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Saint John's Seminary Celebrates Successful 22nd Annual Golf Tournament

June 3, 2024

The Saint John's Seminary (SJS) 22nd Annual Summer Classic Golf Tournament was a resounding success, held on June 3rd at the picturesque Agawam Hunt Country Club in Rhode Island. With over 115 attendees, including golfers and dinner guests, the event fostered camaraderie and raised crucial funds for the seminary's mission.

Special guests included Bishop Richard Henning of the Diocese of Providence, Abbot Mark Cooper of Saint Anselm College, and Bishop Mark O'Connell of the Archdiocese of Boston.

Highlighting the importance of this event, Abbot Mark and Bishop Mark participated in a ceremonial participated in a ceremonial first drive, officially kicking off the tournament. SJS seminarians and alumni were also present, creating a special atmosphere of community.

"Your support of this tournament allows Saint John's Seminary to continue its mission of faithful education and priestly formation for the future of the Church throughout New England and beyond," remarked Father Salocks, Rector of SJS, during his welcome address.

Tournament Highlights and Winners

The day witnessed some exciting competition, with the winning foursome of Tony Nader, Artie Boyle, Anthony Nader, and Travis D'Amato taking home the top prize with a score of 59. Individual accolades were also awarded, with Coleman Hostage claiming the longest drive and Father Paul Born (SJS Class of 2023) achieving closest to the pin.

Tim McGuirk, a first-time attendee from Rhode Island, praised the event, saying, "Congratulations to SJS on an amazing event. Everything from start to finish was first class and came together very nicely. I appreciated the chance to be a part of such a special day."

With the success of this year's tournament, plans are already underway for the 2025 event. Stay tuned for further details as Saint John's Seminary continues its tradition of hosting this annual golf classic in support of its mission of priestly formation.

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While the annual golf tournament is a vital fundraising event for Saint John's Seminary, the seminary relies on the generosity of donors throughout the year to sustain its mission of forming future priests. If you were unable to attend the tournament but wish to support the seminary's efforts, there are several ways to contribute:

Option 1: Make a one-time donation today by clicking HERE.

Option 2: Become a monthly sustaining donor by setting up a recurring gift through the seminary's website.

Option 3: Explore planned giving opportunities, such as bequests or charitable trusts, by contacting the seminary's development office

Saint John’s Seminary is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization, and all donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Our federal tax ID number is 04-2104873.

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