Resources on Gender and Transgenderism - Saint John's Seminary
Celebrating 140 Years of Our Faithful Mission!

Resources on Gender and Transgenderism

Videos, Podcasts, and Articles

• “Person and Identity” website,, a project of the Catholic Women’s Forum

• Many short (4-6 min.) videos for parents, Catholic schools, and parishes

• A clearinghouse for articles and resources

• The first place to visit! • National Catholic Bioethics Center, under “Gender Identity and Being Transgender”

• Church documents and articles from a bioethical perspective • American College of Pediatricians,

• Not the American Pediatric Association!

• Resources on medical and therapeutic interventions, including a list of therapists

• Erin Brewer and Maria Keffler, “Commonsense Care” videos (YouTube and

• Focused on helping parents and those who counsel them • “Gender: A Wider Lens” podcast,

• Stella O’Malley and Sasha Ayad are secular therapists who go into the deeper psychological issues with gender dysphoria (e.g., the links to autism, etc.).

• Academic and popular articles on the body and sexuality by Angela Franks at

• Especially “What is a Woman?” and “What is a Human?” https://www.catholicworldrepor...


• Ryan Anderson, When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment,

• History, philosophical and medical arguments, the experience of detransitioners • Abigail Schrier, Irreversible Damage, and others

• Focuses on rapid-onset gender dysphoria in girls

• Maria Keffler, Desist, Detrans, & Detox: Getting Your Child Out of the Gender Cult,

• Practical help for parents and those counseling them